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Alpha Kappa Histroy


Chartered November 9, 1928, the Alpha Kappa Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was the first Black Greek-lettered organization in Colorado. With the determination of eight lovely ladies; Doris Jenkins, Frances Ross, Gladys Butler, Fannie Pitt, Florida Pitt, Roselle Parsons, Anne Laura Jackson, and Alicestine Kinchlow, the Alpha Kappa Chapter was chartered on the campuses of Colorado Teachers College (now the University of Northern Colorado) and the University of Denver.


Now on five campuses including; University of Northern Colorado, University of Denver, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Colorado at Denver, and Johnson and Wales University, the Alpha Kappa Chapter continues to provide “Service to ALL Mankind” in many forms including our Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service program targets and various campus activities. 



Current Alpha Kappa Officers

Current AK Officers.png

© Alpha Kappa of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorported all rights reserved.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

MidWestern Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

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